Precision and process are intricately linked – companies cannot claim to be precise if their processes aren’t completely buttoned up.

This is especially important when it comes to weights and measurements, both of which are mission-critical for driving efficiency and maintaining quality standards. 

In our previous blog, "Eliminating Weight Inaccuracies in Packaging: Precision Analysis," we discussed why accurate weight and measurement data is an anchor of logistical planning because it affects everything, including shipping, scheduling, resourcing, and cost. 

Some actions companies can take to continually improve their processes and accuracy include:

  • Regular audits of current processes. Conducting regular audits of each process and its associated steps gives companies the view they need to better understand existing inefficiencies and error-prone areas. The more comprehensive the better, as these evaluations help pinpoint where adjustments may be necessary, from procedural updates to workflow integrations.

  • Keep equipment calibrated. The equipment being used to weigh and measure needs constant TLC and should always undergo routine calibration checks. This helps ensure that all the workstations along a packaging line are on the same page in terms of required specs, drives accuracy, and prevents errors and waste.

  • Continuously enhance maintenance protocols. One focus within each company’s control is keeping a close eye on the equipment involved in the line. Ongoing maintenance is crucial for avoiding unpleasant surprises such as one-off problems or outright failures. Routine and preventative maintenance keeps machinery in optimal condition, cuts out downtime, and boosts reliability. This is also an area where applying AI can help, as predictive tools can play a key role in helping companies stay on top of these vital pieces of capital.

  • Develop teams through training and support. A final core area is training and making sure employees are supported by evolving methods and best practices. Constant and focused training shows people they are valued and that the company wants to invest in their development so they will be better equipped to respond and react to the inevitable challenges that come with weight-based packaging operations. 

The Benefits Outweigh the Challenges

When it comes to weight and measurement in packaging, precision and accuracy are imperatives, and the complexities involved in keeping both on track are only growing. Manufacturers with global operations, for example, often face conversion and terminology challenges depending on shipping locales that can create confusion. Meanwhile, one inaccurate weight or measure can trigger nightmarish logistical issues, from unanticipated costs to returned product. By understanding the crucial role these mistakes play and integrating strategies such as Precision Analysis and Process Refinement, companies can confidently meet these challenges and pursue new opportunities.